Message to students of ________________

Welcome, students of __________________! If you are reading this, you probably know who I am. Yes, I know how to add to 3kh0.

I appreciate that everyone is using my links for the website! It is really awesome seeing that because of some kid that has 3kh0 on Discord and knows how to write a crappy HTML page or some half-arse python script is getting all this attention for doing this as if im your hero.

However, just know that it is not hard to do this. In fact, I could probably teach my dad how to add a game to 3kh0. You all dont have to give me so much attention and compliments for this shit.

Last thing, PLEASE DONT USE MY PROXY LINKS!!!!! When yall share the link to the various proxies I make, it really overwhelmes me for some reason. For some reason I just get overwhelmed by all the attention and maintenence of the websites.

With that said, credit to 3kh0 and all the other contributors of this amazing website for making it to where we can play cookie clicker in the middle of a test.